*****Field Trip******
April 30, 2019
Hello Families,
Our class and Mrs. Pecor’s class will be heading to Shelburne Farms to learn
about pond/forest life cycles and animal/plant adaptations.
about pond/forest life cycles and animal/plant adaptations.
Who: Mrs. Bauman’s and Mrs. Pecor’s class
What: A field trip to Shelburne Farms
Where: Shelburne Farms
When: Wednesday, May 15 from 9:00am-2:00pm
Why: To learn about pond/forest life cycles and animal/plant adaptations
What to bring: Your child will need to bring:
-a snack, bag lunch and a water bottle
-Please apply sunblock to your child and bug spray before sending them to school
-Please dress your child in layers, rain gear and rain boots
-The cost is $7.00 per child. Please make checks out to
Orchard School PTO. Please bring field trip money to school by Friday,
May 10th.
Orchard School PTO. Please bring field trip money to school by Friday,
May 10th.
Nicole Bauman