Sunday, October 29, 2017

Craft with a snack

Thank you to all the families that helped out with our delicious snacks. Everyone enjoyed them!


We made Mr. Ocax from our shared reading chapter book, Poppy, for a craft on Friday afternoon. Thank you to all the parents who were here to help us with our crafting fun!

Measuring in Math

We worked with our math partner to measure the distance around different sized garden beds. We know adding in groups of 10 make our counting more efficient !

Farm to School.

Our focus this month was swiss chard and kale. The children were involved in the preparation by adding lemon juiceπŸ‹, garlic and currants to this delicious recipe.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Family Letter October 24

October 24, 2017

Dear 2nd Grade Families,

Please come and celebrate with us on:  
Thursday, November 16th for a Celebration of our Learning from 8:00-9:00 am at Orchard School.
Your children will come to class and check in as they do every day.  Parents can head straight to Mrs. Frostmans classroom at 8:00. First the children will be singing the Orchard Community song, then the Vermont State Song and lastly, America the Beautiful, with all the other 2nd graders, starting at 8:05 am in Mrs. Frostman’s classroom.
After that, is a time when your children will be in charge of showing you their work. Therefore, this is a time when you can look through their book boxes, read their personal narratives and learn a math game your child will be in charge of teaching you! It will be a wonderful time. Hope you can all make it!!!

Nicole Bauman