Friday, May 25, 2018

Spirit Week

Hello famines,
Here is a reminder of what to wear next week for spirit week!!!
Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Upcoming field trip

Hello Families,
This field trip information sheet went home today.  Please read it over.  I ask that the children have sunscreen on before coming to school for their skin protection.   

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Social Studies & Science

In Social studies we have been studying the Hawaiian Islands 🌴. We have studied the habitat and the adaptation of plants found on the islands.
Moreover, your children have been studying Mount Kilauea. They have been talking about what causes quick changes to the earth's surface. The lava flow that is currently happening from Mount Kilauea is great way to observe these quick changes to the earth's surface.

Farm to School

 We ate pickled rashes. 🥕🥒🥦🍅