Friday, December 20, 2019

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Nonfiction Reading and Writing

Our second grade expert writers have been diving in deep to their research on their animals. We have learned that nonfiction expert writers have to have many resources to help them become an expert on their topic. In addition, we are learning the research process:
We read about our topic
We talk about our topic
We think about our topic
We jot about our topic
Our hard work is paying off as we continue our research.

As a Matter of fact..

We have been working hard with our science unit about Matter. 
During this unit we have studied the 3 states of Matter, the Properties of Matter and Physical Changes to Matter. 
Our 2nd grade engineers had to build a dog house with roofing materials that would keep a dog dry. They tested 3 types of roofing materials to see which properties were able to keep the dog dry.