Monday, October 28, 2019

Celebration of our Learning

Celebration or our Learning 

October 28, 2010

Dear 2nd Grade Families,

Please come and celebrate with us on:  
Thursday, November 21st: Celebration of our Learning
8:00-9:00 am at Orchard School.  Your children will come to class and check in as they do every day.  Parents can head straight to Mrs. Frostmans classroom at 8:05.  First, all the 2nd grade classes will be singing the Orchard Community song, the Vermont State song and lastly, America the Beautiful, starting at 8:10 am in Mrs. Frostman’s classroom. 
After that, is a time when your children will be in charge of showing you their work. Therefore, this is a time when you can look through their book boxes, read their personal narratives, look at their art work and learn a math game your child will be in charge of teaching you! It will be a wonderful time. We hope you can join us for this celebration.

Please look for a paper copy in our child's mail tonight!

Have a great Monday evening,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Writers' Workshop

Our Personal Narrative Unit is coming to an end.  Our writers are starting to work on picking one of their Personal Narratives to revise and edit.  They have been adding details, adding dialogue, and using words that create pictures in the mind of their readers and using everything they have learned about making their stories sound and look better.  We know that authors have intentions, so we need to pay attention!  

Monday, October 21, 2019

Food Allergy Awareness 🥝🥚🍓

We had a wonderful presentation about food allergy awareness with Kyle Dine. We learned to much about what we all need to do to keep everyone healthy and happy.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Readers Workshop

In readers' workshop we have been studying many different reading strategies when we come to tricky words in our reading.  We know that 2nd grade readers do not give up, they pick a strategy. One of the strategies we have learned is looking for a small word within the tricky word.  We are up to reading for 16 independent minutes.

Social Studies: Community

We continue our Community studies in Social Studies.  We started with our classroom community then moved to our school community then our South Burlington community.  As our scope of community grows bigger so does our knowledge and curiosity about how communities work together, solve problems together and play together. 
Next we are on the our Vermont community and beyond!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Farm to School 🥬

We made kale, Swiss chard pesto during our Farm to School session. It was delicious!