Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Nonfiction Writing

Our Nonfiction Writing Unit of Study is coming to an end.  We have been hard at work writing about animals.  We understand we are teaching our audience about these animals.  We have worked on our Glossary, Table of Contents as well as the covers to our nonfiction books.    

Learning about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We are reading about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during our Nonfiction Readers Workshop. Nonfiction readers are asking themselves, I am wondering, I am noticing and I am learning, while reading nonfiction.  We jotted thing things we learned, noticed and wondered about MLK on sticky notes and discussed them as a class.  Moreover, we wrote about how we want to change the world if we could.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Guidance with Ms. Beeli

We had our first Guidance class with Ms. Beeli today. She taught us some mindfulness breathing strategies for when we are anxious.  Some of the different types of breathing are, Crocodile Breathing and Lion Breathing. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year & New Math Unit

Happy New Year to all Grade 2 families! I hope you all have had some rest and relaxation time!  

We will be starting a new math unit when your children return to school on Wednesday!  Here is a description of our Unit 4 math unit.  I will also be sending a paper copy of Unit 4 home in your children's mail on Wednesday! 

Bridges in Mathematics, Grade 2
Unit 4: Measurement
In this unit, your child will:
* Estimate, measure, and compare the
lengths of objects in inches, feet, and yards

* Select and use the appropriate tool for
measuring the length of an object

* Measure the length of an object twice, using
two different units—such as inches the first
time, then feet

Your child will practice these skills!