Monday, September 23, 2019

Small Celebration for earning 100 apples

We earned 100 apples!

We are going to have a small celebration.

When: Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What: Each student in Mrs. Bauman’s class can bring in a stuffed animal.  The stuffed animal has to fit in your child’s back pack.

Be Kind
Be Safe
Be your Best!

Readers’ Workshop ๐Ÿ“š

As 2nd grade readers, we can often times run into problems when we read that get us stuck.  The great thing is, there are solutions to these problems.  With our mind-set focused on reading longer and stronger, there is nothing that will stop us from reading up a storm.  
During Readers' Workshop, we are reading for 15 independent minutes.  

Friday, September 13, 2019

Brain Break

Happy Friday to you all. 

We take a Brain Break every day to keep our bodies moving and our brains ready to learn.  We take 2 laps around the Orchard track.  

Writers’ Workshop : writing Personal Narratives/Small Moment stories

We are off and writing our Personal Narratives/Small Moment stories.  We have learned these meaningful stories come from our hearts.  Moreover, we can remember a lot of details about these stories.  Our stories are written over many page in 2nd grade.

Math Workshop: Odd and Even Numbers

During math workshop we have been studying Odd and Even numbers.  In addition, we are working on our addition combinations to 20.  Working in small groups and in partnerships is an effective way to become an efficient mathematician.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Readers’ Workshop

We are off to a wonderful start in Readers' Workshop.  2nd grader readers grow like beanstalks. We get to decide how we read our books, making sure to take a sneak peak of the title, table of contents, and the short blurb on the back of our books so we know how to read it.
Also, we are in the process of choosing a reading spot in our classroom where we can do our best reading.  

Monday, September 9, 2019

Picture Day Reminder

We are getting our school pictures taken tomorrow, September 10, 2019!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Our weekly Arts Schedule

Hello 2nd grade families,

Here is our weekly Arts Schedule:

PE: 10:40-11:10
Music: 11:10-11:40

Art: 10:40-11:25

PE: 10:40-11:10
Music 11:10-11:40

Library: 10:40-11:25

We do not have any Arts classes on Friday.

We eat lunch at 12:25-12:50 then go out to recess until 1:15.

                                                Have a great day,


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Our 2nd grade Hopes and Dreams

Our Hope & Dreams for 2nd grade have been completed.  We are so excited to follow our dreams in 2nd grade and achieve great things!